How to Do EZ Bar Wide Grip Curl for Inner Biceps Growth

The EZ bar wide grip curl is a classic among bodybuilders and other body sculptors who want to work out at home. This all-around curl bar movement primarily involves the biceps and the forearms and should, therefore, be included in any upper-body workout.

On the other hand, the Ez bar is curved in the middle to give a grip that is more comfortable to the wrists and elbows than the straight barbell.

It must be noted that both variants of the curl make for a great addition to the exercise repertoire if one is seeking to either gain muscle mass or improve one’s grip strength in the upper arms.

Muscles Worked

The Ez Bar Wide Grip Curl concentrates primarily on the biceps brachii that flex the elbow joint.

The exercise also hits the brachialis, a muscle found on the lateral part of the upper arm, and it also adjoins the thickness of the arms to some extent.

Also, the wide grip engages the brachioradialis, a forearm muscle used in bending the elbow.

wide grip ez bar curl muscles worked

Secondary muscles included in the secondary movement in the EZ bar wide grip curl include the forearm flexors and the anterior deltoids.

These muscles are involved in stabilizing the joint during movement and regulating exercise.

The Ez Bar Wide Grip Curl works out several heads of the biceps at once, so there is efficiency in training the biceps, which makes it effective for gaining both size and strength in the arms.

How to Do Ez Bar Wide Grip Curl

Equipment: Ez Bar

Grip: Wider than Shoulder Width w/ Supinated Grip

Primary Muscle Work: Biceps Brachii (short head)

How to Do

  • Stance is set with the feet abreast of each other; grip the Ez bar with the hands turned so the palms face forward.
  • Ensure your upper arms do not move away from your body or off your sides.
  • Bend the bar up toward your shoulders; be sure to feel the contraction of your biceps.
  • There should be a short pause at the contractual position of the movement.
  • Lower it back to the initial position in a slow and common tempo.


The wide grip EZ bar curl is excellent for building biceps, but these additional benefits will make it even more appealing to you.

Builds Wider Biceps

The EZ bar wide grip curl exercise is specifically advantageous in the following ways for those who wish to develop their arm strength and overall upper body: First, this exercise is one of the best ways to help gain sheer biceps girth and overall thickness.

The wider grip will isolate more of the outer bicep head than most other movements and produce a more dramatically defined ‘puffed up’ arm.

It is useful for people like bodybuilders and others interested in enhancing their muscles.

Boosts Forearm Strength and Grip

The Ez bar wide grip curl can help gym enthusiasts achieve huge advancements in forearm strength.

The spread automatizes the forearm muscles, particularly the brachioradialis, unlike a normal curl, facilitating the development of the grip and forearm.

As a result, it could imply enhanced capacity in other workouts, such as deadlifts and pull-ups, and enhanced functionality in routine exercises that demand good grip strength.

Enhances Overall Arm Strength and Balance

The Ez bar wide grip curl is one of the best exercises that helps improve the general strength of the arms.

The philosophy of working out more than one muscle group at once helps avoid muscular imbalance, which causes injuries most of the time.

Every individual worker can practice it; nonetheless, it will reach its best outcome when exerted by workers involved in problems like rock climbing, tennis, or basketball, all of which involve the use of strong arms.

Common Mistakes

Even though the Ez bar wide grip curl is a fairly basic exercise, several mistakes are frequently made and can slow gains and possibly create an injury.

It is important to know these mistakes and possible ways of preventing them to get the most from this exercise.

Swinging the Body

The most common mistake is often seen when momentum is used to move the weight upwards by jerking the body. This offloads a lot of pressure from the biceps and may result in straining the lower back.

To prevent this, ensure that all the upper part of the body is still throughout the movement.

Stay as still as possible to keep your abs and lower back muscles engaged; all the action should come from your forearms to curl the weight.

Gripping Too Narrowly

In doing the wide grip curl, some people tend to grip the bar too close to each other.

This alters the angle of the force and diverts it from the outer biceps; thus, the brachioradialis is less worked on.

To avoid this, position your hands at the outermost part of the Ez bar curvature.

This will give a wider grip, which will help properly work out the intended muscle groups to the maximum amount.

Incomplete Range of Motion

Another common fault people make is failing to bring their arms down at the bottom of the movement or not bringing the bar up to the chest at the top.

This partial range of motion means the muscles must be fully incorporated, making the exercise less productive.

On the Ez bar wide grip curl, one must begin with fully outstretched arms and curl the bar until the forearms are parallel to the floor or slightly past it.

This full range of motion will ensure the stimulation of the maximum contraction of the muscles and the acceleration of muscle growth.


  • Seated Ez Bar Wide Grip Curl
  • Ez Bar Wide Grip Preacher Curl
Image by Alex Joshua David Taubes/YouTube edited by SA

Seated Ez Bar Wide Grip Curl

Do the exercise with your back against a bench, preferably with a back support.

The seated wide grip curl enables the isolation of the biceps to a certain extent since body momentum can easily be used.

It is also more helpful for people with tendencies to misuse positions or suffer from issues relating to standing.

Ez Bar Wide Grip Preacher Curl

Put your arms on a preacher’s bench when doing the curl to get the most out of it. The excerise focuses more on the lower part of the biceps and eliminates the chances of upper arm movement, which is why it is preferable.

To sum up, it can be recommended to those who want to pay extra attention to the biceps and bring out the peak of the biceps more effectively.

Such a variation can be used as an alternative to make your routine more interesting and target the muscle from different angles.

It is suggested that the standard EZ Bar Wide Grip Preacher Curl and the Wide Grip Curl be used to continue progressing with the exercise.


Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Take two dumbbells and hold one in each of your hands, with palms facing each other.

Ensure the bar’s grip is neutral as you curl the weights toward your shoulders.

Compared to the Ez bar wide grip curl, this exercise involves more brachialis and brachioradialis, which should be a good addition to your bicep workout.

Cable Rope Hammer Curl

Fixing a rope handle to a low-pull cable machine is mandatory.

Hold the rope with one hand upwards and the other downwards; twist the hands until your palms are together and the rope is by your shoulders.

Because the tension of the cable machine is constant, this exercise presents a form of stimulus to the biceps and forearms and may be used when the barbell has been used consecutively.

The cable rope hammer curl will also provide the same benefits as the EZ bar wide grip curl but will target the muscles slightly differently.

So, including the Cable Rope Hammer Curl in your training schedule can be useful in achieving the balanced proportionality of muscles and avoiding monotony in the process.


Wider than the traditional barbell grip, this movement is essential for building big biceps and improving general arm mass.

It effectively builds the arms and general muscles because it focuses on several groups simultaneously.

If you want to build huge muscles in your arms, particularly the biceps, or if you want to enhance your performance in terms of arm strength, then the Ez bar wide grip curl can help a lot in your training program.

One should focus on form in this exercise to get the best outcome without straining a muscle.

Thus, by avoiding mistakes and using variations and alternatives, one can vary and make the workouts efficient.

So, the Ez bar wide grip curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and improving the upper limb force that positively contributes to daily activities.


Does a person normally suffer forearm pain from the Ez bar wide grip curls?

To some extent, it is okay to involve your forearm, but pain is not okay. If this is the case, identify the problems in your technique and either reduce the pounds or see an expert.

Do wide-grip curls on an Ez Bar serve a purpose in daily lifting?

Yes, the strength you obtain from this type of exercise can come in handy when lifting or carrying objects within the house.

Featured image by Shutterstock edited by SA

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