13 Curl Bar Exercises for GUARANTEED Biceps Growth

Have you ever dreamed of having massive biceps, but everything comes to an end because you are too busy with work or school to go to the gym?

Well, not to worry; the gym isn’t the only place where you can grow your biceps.

You guessed it: home gym. Even if you don’t have a home gym, just an ez-bar would work. Except for three, you can perform these exercises without any fancy gym equipment but an Ez bar, and still pump up your biceps better than in a gym.

After deep research, we found 13 of the best Ez curl bar exercises that you can do to build the massive biceps you’ve dreamed of.

Is a Curl Bar Good for Biceps?

According to a study in PeerJ, the curl bars increase muscle activation in the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, whereas the straight bar only activates the biceps brachii.

What muscles does bicep exercise work?

If you are still confused, here is an explanation:

Imagine your arm is like a team of workers pulling a rope (your bicep), with three main characters:

  • Biceps brachii: The Biceps brachii is the strongest guy on the team, but he can only pull straight up.
  • Brachialis: The Brachialis, the hidden dude hiding under the Biceps brachii, is also pulling the rope, but at a slight angle.
  • Brachioradialis: The Brachioradialis, the smaller guy on the other side of the rope, is helping out the Biceps brachii and pulling from the side.

Now, let’s see which tool, the curl bar or the straight bar, gets our team working best:

  • Curl Bar: It’s like having a curved rope handle. Biceps brachii can’t pull quite as hard straight up, but Brachialis and Brachioradialis get a better angle and pull more, making the team lift more overall.
  • Straight Bar: It’s like a straight rope handle. Biceps brachii loves it; he can pull with all his might straight up, but brachialis and Brachioradialis struggle a bit at that angle and don’t pull as much.

So, according to the study, the curl bar gives the whole team a better workout, especially Brachialis and Brachioradialis, while the straight bar lets Biceps brachii show off his strength.

Overall, Ez curl bar exercises are better for your bicep than straight bars.

Top Ez Curl Bar Exercises

  1. Ez Bar Curl
  2. Ez Bar Preacher Curl
  3. Ez Bar Hanging Curl
  4. Ez Bar Spider Curl
  5. Ez Bar Steated Curl
  6. Close-grip EZ Bar Curl
  7. Wide grip EZ Bar Curl
  8. EZ Bar Drag Curl
  9. EZ Bar Reverse Curl
  10. EZ Bar 21s
  11. EZ Bar Concentration Curl
  12. EZ Bar Skullcrusher
  13. EZ Bar Upright Row

Ez Bar Curl

The Ez bar curl is an exercise that specifically works the biceps brachii.

It involves lifting weights with both arms, which helps to engage and develop strength in the bicep muscles as a whole.

How to Do

  • Stand up straight and grab an EZ curl bar. You’re going to curl up to your chin and then back down.
  • You can’t relax and rest it after bringing it down on your thighs because it’s going to disengage the biceps. You should keep the bicep engaged the whole time by squeezing at both ends.
  • At the top, keep constant tension placed on the bicep up to the chin and then back down.
  • As soon as you feel the bicep disengaging at the top, that’s when it is time to return to the bottom.
  • Keep your elbows still and tight. Squeeze and relax.

Pro Tips

You never want to lock your elbow out because that could damage the joint.

Always keep your elbows soft and slightly bent, no matter what, through your entire rep and the entire set.

Ez Bar Preacher Curl

Performing preacher curls with an EZ bar isolates the long head of your biceps brachii by minimizing any momentum.

This exercise focuses on contracting and defining the peak of the biceps, supporting muscle growth and definition.

How to Do

  • Straighten your arms down, and then curl up. Keep your elbows tucked in the whole time to completely isolate the bicep-long head.
  • Get a good stretch at the bottom but not over a hyper-extend. Keep the tension placed on your biceps even at the bottom of the movements.
  • If you feel resistance release away from the bicep, which would be from under your chin, there is no point in going any further.
  • Breathe out on the way up, and breathe in on the way down. Make sure to keep your upper body still; avoid swinging backward.

Pro Tips

To ensure you’ve got the right height on your preacher curl bench, crouch down slightly and make sure your armpits are pretty much placed upon the top of the pad and your arms are flat on the pad.

If your arms are like dangling noodles, then obviously the pads are too high.

EZ Bar Seated Curl

The EZ Bar Seated Curl is an excellent variation of the traditional standing biceps curl.

Performing this exercise in a seated position reduces the need for body movement, allowing for more focused and controlled muscle engagement.

However, the seated position also means a slightly reduced range of motion, which primarily activates the short head of the biceps as the main muscle worked during the movement.

Additionally, the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles are also engaged, contributing to overall arm strength and development.

How To Do

  • Position yourself on a bench and grab an EZ bar with appropriate weights.
  • Keep your spine in a natural position and your neck straight. Place the EZ bar on your thighs.
  • Start by lifting the bar towards your body, pulling it all the way up. At the top of the movement, squeeze your biceps firmly.
  • Lower the bar with a controlled motion back to the starting position.

Pro Tips

You can improve your posture if you perform this exercise in proper form.

Ez Bar Spider Curl

The Ez bar spider curl adds a twist to curls by incorporating a twisting motion.

This engages both the long and short heads of your biceps brachii. Challenges the biceps in a unique way.

How To Do

  • Grab a bench and put it on an incline. Lay face down so your chest is about level with the end of the bench.
  • Grab the EZ curl bar and place your hands about shoulder-width apart. Make sure your feet are nice and firm on the ground.
  • From the dead hang position, nicely stretching the biceps, you’re going to be curling to the top nice and slow.

Pro Tips

Try to hold the contraction at the top for a split second for better results.

Image credit Nick Nilsson edited by SA

Ez Bar Hammer Curl

Hammer curls with an ez bar might sound strange, but they are an effective exercise that focuses on the long head of your bicep brachii, brachialis (located under the biceps brachii), and forearm muscles.

How To Do

  • Get an EZ bar and take off the weight from one side. Put your hand on the bar, hold it at the end, and make sure you’re using just one hand.
  • Start by curling the bar up to your chest, then lower it back down. Get a good squeeze at the top.
  • Breathe in as you lift the bar, and breathe out as you lower it.

Pro Tips

Don’t go for a heavy weight; the lighter the weight, the better. 

Lighter weight helps you do more reps and helps you get a good squeeze at the top, which helps you create more tension in your biceps.

Close-grip EZ Bar Curl

The close-grip EZ bar curl focuses on the long head of your biceps brachii.

This particular variation can be beneficial for individuals who want to work on their bicep muscles.

How To Do

  • Stand up straight and grab an EZ curl bar. Put your hands in the middle (six inches apart), close together.
  • Ensure your elbows stay in front of your hips the whole time. Keep your feet about shoulder-length apart.
  • Now curl up and focus on your elbows; they should stay in front of your hips. As you go down, keep your elbows in front of your hips to keep your bicep engaged the whole time.
  • Go all the way down. Breathe out on the way up.

Pro Tips

Touch your thumbs during close-grip curls to maximize peak bicep contraction and squeeze.

Wide-grip EZ Bar Curl

When you use a wide grip for the EZ bar, it helps to put focus on the short head of your biceps.

It’s a way to add variety to your bicep training routine and encourage rounded muscle development.

How To Do

  • Stand about shoulder-length apart with your feet. Keep a slight bend in your knees.
  • Grab the outside angle of your bar. Hold your elbows in front of your hips.
  • Don’t let your hips and elbows rest against your sides. Keep them an inch and a half away from your body.
  • Bring the bar all the way up and bring the bar all the way down, controlling the movement.

Pro Tips

Make sure you keep your elbows in front of your hips on the way down and on the way up.

EZ Bar Drag Curl

When performing EZ bar drag curl, the bar is dragged along the body during the curling movement.

This technique reduces shoulder involvement. It focuses on the biceps brachii (long and short heads) and forearm mucles, resulting in a unique and effective workout.

How To Do

  • To start up drag curls, put your foot placement about shoulder width apart. Grab the EZ bar about shoulder-width apart and slowly drag it up the body.
  • Pull your elbows back, keeping them nice and tight in the very top position. Get as far up as you can without raising your shoulders. Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can.
  • Slowly let it down to the bottom position.

Pro Tips

Focus on dragging the bar across your thighs for maximum bicep burn.

EZ Bar Reverse Curl

EZ bar reverse curl specifically target the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis muscles.

This added challenge promotes strength development and muscle endurance.

How To Do

  • Stand up straight and grab an EZ bar. Place your palms facing down.
  • Make sure your feet are placed firmly on the ground. Keep your knees and elbows slightly bent. Remember not to fully straighten your joints.
  • Now curl all the way up, squeeze your biceps, and then come back down slowly, controlling the movement.

Pro Tips

One of the most common mistakes people make doing this exercise is trying to use body movements to get the weight up because it’s too heavy just to lighten the weight.

Don’t do that; it might cause injuries to your back.

EZ Bar 21s

An intense exercise routine known as EZ Bar 21s involves performing three sets of seven reps at points within the curling motion.

This exercise primarily targets your biceps brachii and secondarily focuses on your brachialis (located deep in your biceps).

How To Do

  • Grab your EZ bar. Hold it right in the middle; it will help you get an even workout for your biceps.
  • Make sure your feet are always on a good base. Your knees should be loose as you perform, not locked out.
  • The first 7 reps curl up from the bottom to halfway up and go down.
  • In the second 7 reps, you’re starting from the top, curling down halfway, and then back up.
  • In the third 7 reps, you’re going to do the full range, starting from the bottom and going all the way up to your chest.
  • Make sure you’re not swinging the weight back and forth.

Pro Tips

The wider you hold it, the more inside the bicep you’re going to work.

The closer you hold it outside of your bicep, the more you’re going to work.

Never lock out your elbows completely; you could do damage to your joints there.

EZ Bar Concentration Curl

EZ bar concentration curl isolate and intensify bicep contractions, leading to improved peak muscle development.

This particular variation is highly effective for sculpting defined biceps and enhancing muscle definition.

How To Do

  • Sit on a flat bench with knees bent and legs spread apart. Grab the EZ bar in the middle and place it between your legs.
  • Position the back of your upper arms on top of your inner thighs, holding the grip shoulder-width apart.
  • Fully extend your arms, lifting the EZ bar off the ground. Keep your upper arms stationary.
  • Exhale as you curl the EZ bar upward, contracting the biceps. Ensure only your forearms are moving.
  • Hold the contracted position for a second at shoulder level, fully squeezing the biceps.

Pro Tips

Don’t try to do too many reps; it can cause neck and back injuries.

EZ Bar Skullcrusher

The EZ bar skullcrusher primarily targets the triceps. But it also targets the biceps.

This exercise requires you to lower the Ez bar towards your forehead, specifically targeting the head of your triceps and biceps.

How To Do

  • Grab the EZ curl bar with hands on the inside grips, keeping them close together. Sit down and spread your legs slightly so the bar rests comfortably on your thighs.
  • Roll backward a bit and use your toes to lift the weight up. Lift the bar overhead. If lifting heavy, hook your legs under the bench for stability.
  • Ensure your head hangs slightly off the bench. Keep your neck relaxed and wrists straight throughout.
  • Hold the bar tightly with elbows close and tight to your body. Slowly lower the bar behind your head.
  • Keep elbows close and exhale as you straighten your arms.

Pro Tips

Push the bar away from your body, not directly over your head. This is going to take the tension out of your elbows so you don’t damage your elbows.

EZ Bar Upright Row

Primarily focusing on deltoids and trapezius muscles, EZ bar upright rows offer an upper-body workout.

Additionally, this exercise can engage the long and short heads of the biceps brachii and forearm.

How To Do

  • Stand upright with your feet set on the ground and grasp an EZ bar
  • Don’t hold the bar close; it should be about shoulder-width apart.
  • Once in place, contract your core, retract your shoulder blades, and begin to lift the EZ bar up your body to the bottom of your chin.
  • As you raise the EZ bar, make sure that your elbows are always higher than your wrist. While making sure the EZ bar is as close to your body as possible as you lift it up and bring it back down,
  • Hand placement is very important when performing the EZ Bar Upright Row.

Pro Tips

To target all three parts of your deltoids (the muscles that make up your shoulders), you can use either a wide grip or a shoulder-width grip on the bar.

A wider grip will put more emphasis on the front and middle deltoids (anterior and medial heads), while a shoulder-width grip will activate all three heads more evenly.

Sample Bicep-Focused Workout

Curl Bar Workout Plan for Bicep Blast

  1. Standing EZ bar Curl – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps
  2. Preacher Bicep Curl – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps
  3. Ez bar Spider Curl – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps
  4. Close-grip Ez Bar Curl – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps
  5. Wide-grip Ez Bar Curl – 3 to 6 Sets and 8 to 12 Reps
  6. Ez Bar 21s – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps
  7. Ez Bar Drag Curl – 3 to 5 Sets and 10 to 13 Reps

Tips for Effective Bicep Ez Curl Bar Exercises

Pro tips to make your workouts more effective and get better results.

Proper Warm-up Importance

We all know that a warm-up is key to any exercise.

Warming up sends a clear message to your body, saying wake up; it’s time to prepare for an awesome workout.

How do you warm up before Ez curl bar exercises?

Do some cardio: Cardio helps you increase blood flow and heart rate, raises body temperature, improves joint mobility, boosts mental alertness, and sets the tone for your workout.

Use an EZ bar or barbell without any weights: Curling up with an EZ bar or barbell workout with any weights will activate your biceps and might reduce the chance of getting injured.

Using Different Weights for Better Results

As you improve, test yourself with different weights. For example, if you can do a standing bicep curl with 10 lbs, try to increase it by two or even one lb.

It would help you gain more strength and muscle.

How Do You Create the Perfect Bicep Workout Habit?

To form perfect bicep workout habits, you have to make your workout look easy so your brain will always want to workout even when you don’t feel right.

How do you do that?

Well, start with the recommended sets and reps. You can go to Strength Level to find the recommended weight for a particular exercise based on your strength level.

Final Thoughts

Curl Bar, also known as Ez Curl Bar, took over the fitness industry after the 1950s.

Unlike the straight bar, the EZ Bar targets your muscles in a unique way. Ez bar creates tension in your biceps from different angles, creating a massive pump in your biceps.

These exercises we’ve covered require no gym & home gym luxuries at all but literally only Ez Bar! Try these exercises, and you will start to see better biceps than before within a month or two.

Featured image by Getty Images edited by SA

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