How to Do Barbell Concentration Curl With a Proper Form

Many of us are obsessed with our biceps; we want our biceps to look bigger and wider than our gym bros. 

But the thing is, we struggle to choose the best exercise for our biceps, or sometimes if we find any exercise that suits us, we don’t perform it well. 

To build that coveted biceps peak, it’s crucial to choose exercises that are difficult to cheat on. 

Barbell concentration curls offer a solution by targeting the biceps like never before. This seated exercise takes less effort by minimizing overall body momentum and focusing on sculpting those biceps to perfection.

Benefits of the Barbell Concentration Curl

Benefits you should know about to help you understand barbell concentration curls better:

Activation of Multiple Muscles

It’s a common misconception that exercises solely target one specific muscle group.

While the primary muscle is the main focus and receives the most tension during barbell concentration curls, other muscles in your arm will also activate to support the movement.

Barbell Concentration Curl muscle worked

These secondary muscles, such as the brachialis and brachioradialis, play a supportive role in stabilizing the movement and assisting the primary muscle. 

Strength Building

Improving body strength is important for every gym enthusiast, as we need better strength to lift heavy weights and improve muscle mass.

Barbell concentration curls build strength in the biceps, forearms, and wrists, improving overall upper body strength.

Moreover, this can also help you with many things outside of fitness that could come in handy each day.

How to Do Barbell Concentration Curl

  • Find a comfortable position on a flat bench and spread your legs wide on the ground.
  • Place your hands 6 inches apart and pick up the barbell with a supinated grip, palms facing down.
  • Curl the barbell all the way up towards your chest, squeezing the biceps at the top while holding the bar for a second.
  • Lower the bar down to the starting position in controlled movement.

Equipment: Standard Barbell

Primary Muscle Work: Biceps Brachii

Grip: Close Grip (6 inches apart)

Barbell Concentration Curl Tips

  • Proper Elbow Position: Keep your elbows stable and close to your body throughout the movement to maintain tension on the biceps and avoid strain on the shoulders.
  • Use a Slow Eccentric Phase: Focus on the lowering (eccentric) phase of the movement by resisting the weight as you lower it back down. This helps to stimulate muscle growth and control.
  • Starting Position: Begin the exercise by picking up the barbell and placing it between your legs, with your arms fully extended. This starting position ensures that every muscle activates from the start.

Common Mistakes

To achieve better results and prevent injuries, it’s crucial to avoid these common mistakes:

Ignoring Proper Form

It’s advisable to refrain from performing any exercise if you cannot maintain proper form.

Proper form is the main step in exercise effectiveness, as it helps prevent muscle imbalance, injuries, and negative stress on ligaments and tendons. 

Pay close attention to instructions to avoid incorrect form and its associated risks.

Overarching the Back

Keep your back straight and avoid arching it excessively during the exercise.

Arching too much can put too much strain on your back, which could result in back pain and a potential muscle ache.

Additionally, it could keep all the tension away from your biceps, making the exercise less effective.

Lack of Focus on the Biceps

While the biceps are the main focus for concentration curls, the focus might shift to different muscles if you’re not careful. 

Relying on these secondary muscles to curl the bar can shift tension away from the biceps, potentially causing strain and discomfort in these muscles. 

It’s essential to maintain constant tension on the biceps throughout the exercise, squeezing them at the top, and executing each repetition in a controlled manner.

Barbell Concentration Curl Alternatives and Variation

Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Concentration curls with a dumbbell offer a simpler variation on barbell concentration curls. 

With each arm working independently, this exercise focuses solely on one arm at a time, making it easier to perform. 

Not only that, it activates the long head and short head of the biceps while assisting in the growth of the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

EZ Bar Concentration Curl

The EZ bar is an excellent option if you’re uncomfortable with a standard barbell.

The design of the EZ bar is slightly different from the standard barbell, which assists with a comfortable grip and different muscle activation along with biceps.

With the EZ bar, you can target the short head of the biceps brachii and other upper arm muscles.

Image by Anabolic Criticalbench/YouTube edited by SA

Seated Barbell Curl

A perfect alternative to concentration curls, seated barbell curls are an excellent choice if you’re just starting out. 

This exercise, with its short-range movement, primarily targets the short head of the biceps brachii while also engaging the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. 

However, remember that this exercise may not activate muscles as effectively as others because of its short-range movement.

Final Thoughts

Concentration curls are highly effective for building the biceps brachii. 

Anyone who desires a bigger biceps peak can add this exercise to their workout routine to sculpt their biceps. 

By following the right instructions and understanding the proper form, you can strengthen your biceps and enhance their size and width.

Featured image by Origym Personal Trainer Courses/YouTueb edited by SA

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