How to Do Ez Bar Hanging Curls in 6 Steps

Have you ever heard of Ez Bar Hanging Curls? If you haven’t, they are curls that target your biceps and forearms.

Hanging curls are not really famous and are performed by many gym folks, but they can help you grow your biceps.

Trying something new can be beneficial for you if you find the perfect exercise that is suitable and can help you grow your body in your own way.

So get ready to dive into the Ez Bar Hanging Curls world!

What Muscles Do Ez Bar Hanging Curls Work?

Ez Bar Hanging Curls

The primary muscle group Ez bar hanging curl targets are the long head and short head of your bicep brachii. But along with that, this exercise also focuses on your forearm and brachialis (the muscle under the bicep brachii).

Ez Bar Hanging Curls Alternative

There are many alternatives for hanging curls, but I would like to suggest these six exercises that you can add to your workout list.

All of these exercises are excellent for targeting your biceps and maximizing your chances of bicep growth.

How to Do Ez Bar Hanging Curls

  • Step 1: Grab an EZ bar and place your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Step 2: Get an overhand grip (shoulder width apart).
  • Step 3: Lean forward slightly and bend your knees.
  • Step 4: Begin by lifting the weight up and over your chest, then lower it back down.
  • Step 5: Get a good squeeze at the top.
  • Step 6: Make sure you breathe in on your way up and breathe out on your way out.
  • Repeat this for 10 to 15 reps, and adjust the sets you want to do.

Ez Bar Hanging Curls Benefits

One of the best benefits you could get from doing EZ bar hanging curls is that they can make your back stronger. 

When you do these curls, you lean forward a bit, which really works your back muscles. 

Doing this regularly helps your back get used to the movement, which can lower your risk of hurting your back when you do other exercises. 

But everything comes with a price. If you consistently perform hanging curls incorrectly and without proper form, you could injure your back.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Making mistakes during hanging curls is common, especially when you’re just starting out. 

Learn these common mistakes people make when starting and avoid them to save yourself from injuries and not seeing any results.

Leaning Forward Too Much

Lots of folks tend to lean way too far forward when they’re doing this exercise, almost like they’re trying to touch their knees. But that’s a big no-no!

Leaning forward too much increases the chances of a back injury. So remember to keep your form correct.

Not Bending Knees

When you bend your knees, your back feels little to no pressure.

But if you don’t bend your knees, all that pressure goes right onto your back, and that can cause some serious back pain.

Doing Half Reps

Not going over your chest and doing half-reps can get you the result you want. Here is a quick tip: use less weight to get a good squeeze at the top.

Pro Tips

  • Use an Ez bar; it helps you target more muscles.
  • Don’t furrow your elbows; keep them normal.
  • If you use momentum to lift the weight, your biceps don’t get the tension they need.
  • Don’t do this exercise if you start to feel pain in your lower back.

Final Thoughts

Doing EZ Bar Hanging Curls creates more definition in your arm by focusing on your bicep and forearm.

Some folks mess up this exercise by not doing it right, which can lead to back pain and make them stop.

Hanging curls are not that hard to perform if you know all the basics and proper form. 

But if you still struggle to perform this exercise, in this article we gave a complete guide about Ez bar hanging curls, from how to do them to pro tips for getting the biceps you’re after.

Hey, feel free to check out these must-try Ez curl bar exercises for bigger biceps!

Featured image by Chris & Edi/YouTube edited by SA

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