How to Do Zottman Preacher Curl for Best Biceps Results

It also must be noted that the zottman preacher curl is a powerful movement in bicep involvement that has gained popularity amongst both regular gym-goers and competitive bodybuilders.

Such a deviation of the common preacher curl presents a rather intense spin that directly affects several muscle areas at once.

The zottman preacher curl uses the concept of a preacher curl and a pronated grip to give the upper arm a good dose of meals in terms of configuration and mass.

It is now high time we broke down this amazing exercise and established why it should feature in your arm day workout.

What Muscles Do Zottman Preacher Curl Work?

The zottman preacher curl primarily works on the biceps brachii muscle, which is used to flex the elbow and the forearm.

However, this exercise is distinguished from similar ones because the additional muscular groups are engaged here.

The brachialis underneath the biceps is also involved, especially during the eccentric phase of the movement.

zottman preacher curl muscles worked

Moreover, the zottman preacher curl is a twisting movement; therefore, it engages the forearm muscles, especially the brachioradialis and the other forearm flexors and extensors.

In this way, the zottman preacher curl can simultaneously include all the necessary ingredients to develop beautiful lines and indicator muscles in your arm workouts.

Performing this exercise will pay off in all the activities of life and sports where powerful biceps and forearm muscles are extremely necessary.

How to Do Zottman Preacher Curl

Equipment: Preacher Bench, Pair of Dumbbells

Grip: Supinated Grip 

Primary Muscle Work: Biceps Brachii

How to Do

  • Stand with back support against the wall, with your arms hanging with armpits on the preacher’s bench pad.
  • Hold a pair of dumbbells at the ends with your palms facing upward in a supinated position.
  • Bring the weight up curlingly while locking the upper arm muscles.
  • Finally, at the top of the pull, you should turn your wrists to be pronated.
  • Lower the weight gradually with this grip that is pronated.
  • At the bottom, turn your hands sideways to return to a supinated grip.
  • Use the quantity required for repetitions on the same problem.

Benefits of the Zottman Preacher Curl

Benefits that make the Zottman Preacher Curl worth trying.

Comprehensive Muscle Engagement

The primary advantages of the zottman preacher curl that makes it so unique to any other exercises for arm building are as follows: to start with, it facilitates a great muscle workout throughout the muscles of the body.

Casting the muscles of the biceps, brachialis, and forearm all in one move allows you to effectively work out and build muscle from the shoulder down to the wrist.

Enhances Your Grip Strength

The zottman preacher curl also has another profound benefit: it teaches the lifter to develop a strict grip.

The pronated grip employed during the eccentric phase of the exercise isolates the forearm muscles and the stability of the wrist; therefore, it strengthens grip muscles.

In simple terms, it is more useful when one needs a firm grip, which may be useful for rock climbing, tennis, or martial arts.

Balanced Biceps and Forearm Development

The zottman preacher curl allows for redressing the imbalance between the biceps and the forearm muscles.

Unfortunately, many lifters become obsessed with exercises that develop the biceps, thus forgetting the existence of the forearms, and they end up with crooked arms.

When zottman preacher curl is incorporated into the training program, one can have more balanced muscular development and cut down on injuries related to muscle imbalance.

Common Mistakes

Although the zottman preacher curl can be a beneficial and efficient move, it is necessary to ensure that the individual is performing it in the right manner, as defined above, to get the best out of the exercise and avoid getting injured. 

Using Excessive Momentum

The latter is one of the most common mistakes, such as swinging the weight up with the help of body momentum.

The unaccented excessive momentum offloads the tension from the target muscles and increases the chance of injury.

To overcome it, keep a rigid form during the execution of this movement to minimize big swings.

Previously, while executing the curls, the shoulders and the back were responsible for the movement; hence, lock your upper arms against the preacher bench pad and start the curl from the biceps.

Improper Wrist Rotation

The only major difference between the zottman preacher curl exercise and the basic Preacher Curl.

Some lifters hurry through this rotation or may still need to finish it.

This is because it results in fewer calls to the forearm muscles and may cause strain in the wrist.

To eliminate this issue, take a full circle at the top-most part of the curl and slightly hold a pronated position before putting down the weight.

Neglecting the Eccentric Phase

Most people perform this by just struggling to lift the weight but moving very fast while putting it down.

The eccentric (lowering) phase is very important for muscle growth and must be performed slowly and controlled.

Hold for 2-3 seconds, and when lowering the weight, ensure that your palms are facing downward and feel the stretch in your forearms and biceps.

To avoid these mistakes, one should ensure that they follow the correct form and should begin with lighter weights.

Therefore, it is recommended that you exercise while looking in the mirror to easily notice any mistakes, or else you could seek the assistance of a trainer or a workout partner.


Standing Zottman Curl

Standing zottman curl is done in the standing position and does not require a preacher bench to be used.

It involves more core activity and body balance, and it is ideal for people who wish to work on their balance besides targeting the arms.

The exercise is very effective for your biceps and forearm development.

Alternating Zottman Preacher Curl

Instead of curling both arms simultaneously, go left and right with the arm curls.

The variation helps to pay extra attention to each arm and may help determine and eliminate strength differences between the limbs.

The alternating zottman preacher curl is good for people seeking exercise that may help find and fix muscle imbalances.


Hammer Curl

The hammer curl also aims at the biceps and brachialis, much like in the case of the zottman preacher curl.

Please pick up a pair of dumbbells to rest on the palm region.

Curl these weights up to the plane of your shoulders while ensuring that the back of your wrists is close to your upper arms.

Reverse Curl

The following is an option with similar or comparable effects of the zottman preacher curl and can be implemented to enhance the diversity of the arm exercises or as an option in case of restrictions to the choice of equipment.

The reverse curl mainly involves the brachioradialis and the forearm muscles.

Grab the weight with palms facing down with an EZ-bar or a straight bar, bend your arms, make your elbows stick out towards the side, and curl the weight up to your shoulders.

Arm Day Takeaway

The zottman preacher curl is one of the best and all-inclusive exercises and needs to be included in any arm workout plan.

It focuses on many muscle areas of the arms and corrects excesses that may be present, making it a rather effective program for gaining mass.

Don’t sacrifice form for weight; begin with dumbbells and progressively add more mass to the barbell as you get used to the exercise.


Can zottman preacher curls assist in having better grip strength?

Yes, the pronated grip used during the lowering phase of the exercises can be used to build up grip strength in the long run.

When do I perform zottman preacher curls?

Looking at zottman preacher curls, it is best to incorporate this exercise after other compound exercises, such as chin-ups or rows, preferably.

Featured image by Musqle/YouTube edited by SA

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