How to Do Ez Bar Curl for Superior Biceps Development

There are many variations of bicep curls, among them Ez bar curls are one of them. This particular exercise helps you target your bicep in an effective way.

But the path to bicep glory isn’t just about doing the exercise- it’s about learning the key components of the exercises.

So let’s learn how you can take your bicep growth one step further.

Ez Bar Bicep Curl Grip

Some folks like to place their hand too narrow, while others like to place it too wide. 

Well, nothing wrong with that, but if you put your hand too narrow, you’ll be doing close grip curls; if you place your hand too wide, you’ll be doing wide grip curls. But we’re not doing those today; we’re doing Ez bar curl.

Ez Bar Bicep Curls

Your hand should be right in the middle of the bar; that way, you’re going to get an even biceps pump.

Ez Bar Bicep Curl Muscles Worked

The EZ bar curl is an exceptionally effective and straightforward exercise for bicep growth.

Primarily, it targets the short head of the biceps, which contributes to the muscle’s peak.

However, it can also engage the long head of the biceps, depending on factors such as elbow position, grip, and range of motion.

These two heads collectively form the main structure of your biceps.

The exercise also activates secondary muscles, including the brachialis and brachioradialis, both of which are connected to your elbow flexor.

The brachialis lies beneath the biceps and helps in flexing the elbow, while the brachioradialis runs along the forearm, assisting in elbow flexion and contributing to forearm mass.

Seated Vs Standing Bicep Curls

Many people get confused about whether seated bicep curls are better or Ez bar curl are better.

Well, it depends on the kind of equipment you are using. 

Let’s say you want to use dumbbells, then doing seated bicep curls would be perfect as they can help you isolate your biceps better. 

And if you want to use an EZ curl bar or barbell, then doing an Ez bar curl would be the best choice. 

However, both of them have their benefits.

Doing seated curls is best for a focused bicep workout and doing Ez bar curl is more of a full-body strength workout.

How to Do Ez Bar Curl

  • Stand up straight and grab an EZ bar. Hold it right in the middle.
  • Your arms are about shoulder-width apart. Now bring your arms slightly forward.
  • Make sure your arms are fully locked out. Flex your triceps.
  • Once the triceps are flexed, you’re going to bring the weight up. Curl all the way to the top.
  • Squeeze and flex your biceps as much as you can. Then slowly control and return to the starting position.

Ez Bar Curl Benefits

It’s not just about bicep benefits; it’s a multi-muscle movement that benefits your entire upper body, from your shoulders and forearms to your triceps and even your core.

Ez bar curl make your core and back muscles, pulling you up straight and tall which leads to better posture.

Imagine tossing suitcases like Mary Poppins or carrying groceries like Thor’s hammer. The Ez bar curl make everyday tasks feel like superpowers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

During biceps curls, people make a lot of mistakes which cause them little to no gains.

Avoid these common mistakes most people make when doing bicep curls.

Bending Your Back Too Much

Using less weight can help you prevent bending your back too much.

Use the recommended weights to prevent momentum from pushing you backward.

Swinging the Weights Around

We’ve all seen guys in the gym who take this to the extreme but even just a slight swing at the bottom position can make the exercise much easier and enable you to use heavier weights.

Not Maximizing Bicep Stretch

Whenever you do your curls avoid cutting the range of motion short at the bottom position instead extend your arms fully by flexing your triceps at that bottom position before you go into the next rep to ensure your biceps get fully stretched.

Safety First

Ez bar curl is a well-known exercise for biceps that has been performed for decades.

However, no matter what exercise you are doing, there is always little possibility of injuries.

The most common injuries include elbow injury and back pain. 

Elbow injuries are most common when it comes to bicep curls. 

Many people especially beginners make the same mistakes over and over which leads them to elbow injuries.

Another most common injury is back pain.

So, we all want to grow our biceps as fast as possible. So we lift heavier weights to speed up our progress.

But lifting too much weight can cause back pain especially when you swing back and forth during your reps.

Getting injured can lead to stopping the exercise you’re doing. 

Remember you don’t need to get bigger biceps in only one month don’t push yourself too much.

Be patient and consistent with your daily workout you will get what you desire.

Pro Tips

  • Never let your arms hang fully down during your reps.
  • The easiest way to know that you did a bicep curl full range of motion, is at the bottom of the movement you flex your triceps.
  • Always use a straight bar to maximize both a deflection in the bicep as well as supinating your forearms as much out as you can.
  • If you are a beginner you shouldn’t be using any momentum, use weight that you can handle.
  • Start paying attention to the eccentric overload and lowering down slowly.

Final Thoughts

Ez bar curl is one of the most basic and effective bicep workouts out there. They will only work if you stay consistent.

Staying consistent doesn’t mean going all out take rest when needed.

Remember, Ez bar curl is only one type of exercise for your bicep.

Don’t stick to only one exercise try different types of exercise or feel free to check out these must-try 13 Ez bar exercises we’ve talked about!

Featured image by Getty Images edited by SA

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