How to Do Dumbbell Close Grip Curl for Dominant Arm Strength

If you ask someone what it’s like to grow their biceps, you might get different answers. 

Some might say, “Oh, it’s easy,” while others might say, “I can’t seem to see any results.” 

The growth of your biceps depends on the exercises you perform. If an exercise doesn’t fulfill its purpose, you shouldn’t perform it. 

However, the dumbbell close grip curl is an exercise that effectively targets your biceps, making them pop. This exercise is simple and can even be performed by new lifters. 

By perfecting the form and technique, you can achieve bigger biceps and arms in no time.

Benefits of the Dumbbell Close Grip Curl

Every biceps exercise delivers a great quality of benefits, and the dumbbell close grip curl is no exception.

Improved Bicep Peak Development

If you are eager to build bicep peaks so that your biceps are visible when you flex from the back, you should definitely add the dumbbell close grip curl to your workout routine. 

Dumbbell Close Grip Curl Benefits Bicep Peak Development
Image credit Getty Images edited by SA

Training with this excellent exercise can help you achieve noticeable bicep peaks, and you’ll feel more satisfied with your biceps once you start seeing the results. 

Incorporating the dumbbell close curl into your regimen will target the necessary muscles to enhance the definition and appearance of your biceps.

Improved Forearm Strength

The forearm consists of small muscles known as forearm flexors. 

When you hold both dumbbells together and perform the exercise, the movement helps activate these forearm flexor muscles, allowing your forearms to grow stronger. 

Additionally, the size of your forearms can gradually increase as the tension keeps these muscles activated throughout the entire movement. This consistent activation promotes both strength and growth in your forearm muscles.

What Muscles Do Dumbbell Close Grip Curl Work?

Resistance training is essential for arm growth, as increased pressure on the muscles promotes growth. 

The dumbbell close grip curl utilizes external force to activate the muscles in your arms effectively. 

The primary muscle activated is the short head of your biceps, which contracts as the weights reach the top of the movement. 

While the long head of the biceps doesn’t experience as much tension throughout the movement, the brachialis and brachioradialis are secondary muscles that also contribute to forearm movement. 

These muscles are activated during the lowering phase of the exercise. 

Overall, this variation of the biceps exercise has a significant impact on biceps growth and overall arm strength development.

How to Do Dumbbell Close Grip Curl

Equipment: Pair of Dumbbells

Grip: Underhand Grip

Primary Muscle Work: Short Head (Biceps Brachii)

How to Do

  • Stand up straight and grab a pair of dumbbells. 
  • Hold them close together, and keep your elbows tucked into your sides. 
  • Lift the dumbbells up together, squeezing your biceps as much as possible. 
  • Lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat.

Dumbbell Close Grip Curl Pro Tips

  • Inhale and Exhale: Inhale as you lower the dumbbells and exhale as you curl them up. Proper breathing ensures oxygen flow and helps maintain rhythm.
  • Focus on the Biceps: Concentrate on your biceps throughout the exercise. Visualizing the muscle working can enhance the mind-muscle connection, leading to better results.
  • Moderate Weight: Choose a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form for the entire set. Too heavy weights can compromise form and increase injury risk.

Common Mistakes

There are many errors that occur during the close grip curl, but these three are the most common ones.

Not Fully Contracting the Biceps

The primary goal of external force exercises is to contract the biceps fully at the top of the movement, promoting muscle growth. 

When you fail to squeeze your biceps completely, the tension generated may not lead to full activation, hindering growth potential. 

This mistake often occurs when lifters rush through the movement or use excessively heavy weights. 

Avoid this by performing your exercises slowly and with controlled movements. 

By focusing on proper form and deliberate muscle engagement, you can maximize the effectiveness of each repetition and optimize your biceps growth.

Lowering the Dumbbells Too Quickly

You may think that to grow your biceps, you should just focus on the concentric phase, but this is completely wrong. 

The biceps are not the only muscles that make your arms look bigger; your forearms and other muscles also play a significant role. 

Focusing on the eccentric phase has various benefits for your arms. 

When you lower the weights with control, you maintain tension in your arm muscles, which increases muscle mass by providing constant tension. 

Additionally, dropping the weights too quickly can injure your elbow joints and decrease your performance level. 

Therefore, it’s important to emphasize both the concentric and eccentric phases of your lifts for optimal arm development and to avoid injury.

Improper Grip Width

The dumbbells should remain close together, not wide apart, during the dumbbell close grip curl. 

The full benefits of the close grip will only be realized if the grip remains intact. 

Curling the dumbbells as if performing a wide grip curl or standard dumbbell curl will not provide your biceps with the primary benefits of the dumbbell close grip. 

While it may seem like a minor issue, this mistake can still occur, especially for new lifters. 

Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to maintaining the correct grip width to ensure you’re targeting the intended muscles effectively during your workouts.

Alternatives and Variations

Ez Bar Curl

The EZ bar curl is a simple and straightforward exercise that is incredibly effective for biceps growth. 

This variation is performed with an EZ bar, following the same movement as any standard biceps curl but with a different tool. 

Using the EZ bar reduces wrist pressure compared to barbells or dumbbells, which can be beneficial for those just starting their fitness journey. 

Additionally, the EZ bar’s design provides a smoother and easier grip, allowing various muscles to activate more effectively. 

Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Resting your upper body while performing an exercise is many lifters’ dream. 

The less energy an exercise requires, the more likely it is that your body will stay activated. 

While it’s true that the more you work out, the stronger you get, the preacher curl is designed to let you achieve effectiveness with less effort. 

The preacher machine allows you to rest your arms completely while performing the exercise. 

From your armpits to your fingertips, everything is supported, allowing you to focus solely on your biceps. 

Using dumbbells makes it even more effective since your arms move independently. 

Overall, the preacher curl with dumbbells provides your arms with a great workout using minimal body movement.

Barbell Close Grip

Building your biceps with just one variation can limit your growth potential. 

Trying different tools provides your muscles with new ways to grow. 

While dumbbells are excellent for any exercise, barbells are equally effective. 

Using a barbell for a close grip allows for a single movement rather than independent movements, which can help you lift more weight. 

This, in turn, gives you the chance to strengthen and grow your biceps. 

Barbell Wide Grip

The barbell wide grip has great potential for biceps growth. 

With the grip width outside shoulder width, the short head of the biceps is more likely to react to the movement than other muscles. 

In addition to muscle work, the wide grip curl can help your joints grow stronger, as you need more effort to lift the weight. 

This exercise is very effective and full of benefits, making it worth your time to try.

Featured image by Fit Gent/YouTube edited by SA

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